Event Information
What to pack:
We’ll provide detailed suggestions as we get closer to the event date. However, here are the most important items you’ll want to pack:
- A passport with remaining validity of at least six months beyond the intended date of departure—remember to check the expiration date!
- A visa, if needed
- Closed-toed walking shoes
- Sun protection
- Insect repellent—this is a must!
- Personal medication and personal toiletries (Note: The bungalows at the NovaVita Health and Wellness Center will only have the basics.)
- Please check the weather in Ecuador before departure here.
A ticket to this event includes:
- Registration kit with full- and sample-sized Young Living products, including Amoressence™ essential oil blend (5 ml), swag, training materials, and more
- Breakfast, lunch, and dinner during the Experience Young Living event based on recipes and a menu created by Gary. Meals will have gluten-free, dairy-free, and vegan options that are locally sourced
- Nutrition, lifestyle, and personal-improvement classes taught by industry experts
- Transportation to the Young Living Academy
- Attendance certificate
Giveaways at the getaway:
What’s more fun than scoring fun prizes? We’ll also hold our traditional end-of-event giveaways, which will include:
- Select 30™ Oil Collection
- Products worth $150
- Products worth $100
- Products worth $75